Class 16 / Dosbarth 16

Croeso i Dosbarth 16!

Helo, Mrs Bennett ydw i. 

This is my 24th year of teaching and my 5th at Cyfarthfa Park Primary. Over the years I have had the pleasure of teaching all age groups in both Infants and Junior departments.  This is my second year in Year 6 at Cyfarthfa and I can safely say it is the most interesting and fun year group!!

In my spare time I enjoy reading, hiking and swimming in the sea (in the summer!)

In the summer holidays I love camping and spending time with my two children.  

                                           Hopefully you will find all the information you need here, but if you need to contact me,  you can ring the school or email at:

Our Topic this Spring Term is 'Conflict' and the key concepts we will be focusing on are 'discrimination, resilience, justice and forgiveness'

Our Key Enquiry Question is 'How do people overcome adversity?'

Reading books will be changed as and when the children need to. They are welcome to bring and change their book whenever they have finished their current one. A log is kept in school so we know that they are reading. Please encourage your child to read for at least 10-20 minutes a day and leave a note in their reading record. 

PE will take place on a Friday: please ensure pupils wear appropriate kit in to school every week (navy shorts/jogging bottoms and a red or navy t-shirt with a warm jumper for the winter weather).

Water bottles: please label and send in every day. Only water will be allowed in class. 

Snack: Children are encouraged to bring a snack for morning play time. We are a healthy school so healthy snacks only please. 

Homework: English (including spellings) and Maths homework is given and returned every FRIDAY. Homework will be accessed through our Google Classroom . If you require paper copies of homework for your child please let me know ASAP. Occasionally, there will be Topic based or Special Event homework - we will make this clear to the children. 

Relevant Websites:

Please click here to login in to your Hwb account. 

Please click here to access Google Classroom for homework and all our class based work. 

Please click here to login into Times Table Rockstars. 

Please click here to access your Giglets account. 


Other Useful Links:

Maths Frame:

Range of maths games

Hit the Button:

Times Tables: