Pupil Led Activites

At Cyfarthfa Park Primary School, our pupils have many roles and responsibilities around the school.

We are also very lucky to have working partnerships with outside agencies who provide unique learning opportunities for our pupils.

 Listed below are the pupil led activites that allow our pupils to grow as individuals.

Criw Cymraeg

Celebrating Wales and our Welsh Language!

Pupil News Team

By the pupils for the pupils! 

Our Pupil News Team is here to keep you up-to-date with school life.

School Council

Consisting of representatives from Reception to Year 6; every child has a voice.

Young Leaders

Empowering our Year Six to be the leaders of tomorrow, today.

Peer Mediators

Problem solving; for the children, by the children.

Eco Club

Encouraging interest and involvement in the environment and giving children the responsibility to make their own decisions about the changes they want to see to improve their school environment.  


JRSOs help promote road safety issues within the school and local community.  

Digital Leaders

Their job is to be advocates for good behaviour with technology, support teachers where ever possible and to showcase a range of digital skills. 

Rights Respecting

Creating safe and inspiring places to learn, where children's rights are respected.

STEM Ambassadors

Inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders. Exploring hands on, practical activities to share with their classmates.