Class 4 / Dosbarth 4

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Parry  is the class 4 teacher. She has taught both Infant and Junior children.  She is looking forward to spending time with Reception Children this year and working alongside Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Parry  loves being around her family and friends. In her spare time she  enjoys reading, gardening and walking.

 Ms. Jones also works in class 4. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family and going for long walks with her dog, Alfie. 

Summer Term 2024

Our Topic is - ABC Is Easy As 1 2 3

Concepts are- Resilience, Happiness & Creativity.

Croeso i Dosbarth 4! Welcome to Reception at Cyfarthfa Park Primary. This year your class teacher is Mrs. Parry  and your LSA in Mrs. Jones

Our PE day is a Friday, while the weather is on our side, PE will take place outdoors. Please send your child into school WEARING their PE kit in order to minimize bags and other items being brought to school during this challenging time.

We will be sending Home Reading Books once a week. Reading Books will be sent out on a Tuesday and expected in on Monday. Please make a comment in your child's Reading Record to let us know how they read.

This year Homework Tasks will be very different! In Reception pupils will use a programme called Seesaw.  Homework will be set every Wednesday.  Please use the logins that were sent home to access the homework. You will be expected to complete at least one activity per week.

Monday- Reading Books to be returned to school.

Tuesday- Reading Books will be sent home on a Tuesday. 

Wednesday - Homework will be set weekly, online, using Seesaw.

Friday-PE days are on a Friday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit. PE will take place outside so please wear weather appropriate clothing.

Please ensure water bottles are brought in daily, labelled and filled with water only. 

Children are encouraged to bring a fruit or vegetable to school daily for their morning snack. 

Please can you ensure that all bags, coats, jumpers, cardigans etc. are clearly labelled.

Contact : 

Please do not hesitate to chat with myself, Mrs. Parry during drop off or pick up at the gate. I will do my best to help in anyway I can. Alternatively, you can ring the school and ask to speak to me or contact  by email.

Talk for writing

This term our story is The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Every day we practice learning parts of the story using a text map and physical actions developed by our class. Every day we build on our knowledge of the story by learning the next sentence and over the term each individual becomes more confident at retelling the story orally.

"Children who are read to at home, or who come from an oral tradition of storytelling, embed such patterns without really knowing it, as if some form of linguistic osmosis was at work. At this early stage, it is significant that the child is ‘hearing’ the language. This matters because we learn language by hearing it and then by saying it. So, storytelling and rhyme chanting are powerful aspects of acquiring language patterns that might not be met in everyday talk." Pie Corbett 2008.