Family Liaison

Mrs Bailey yma!

I am the Family Liaison officer for Cyfarthfa Park Primary School.

My main job is to support and help families so that their children can participate fully in home and school activities in order to achieve their full potential.

How to get in touch.

You can email me:

You can ring me: 01685 351807

I can usually be found at the gate to the junior school on Brecon Road every morning from 8.30am-9.00am

Under normal circumstances you can see me by dropping in to school or by making an appointment.

Park Site

My main office is located at the Junior Site.

Norman Tce Site

The sort of things I can help with.


We want your child in school, on time every single day!

If your child is ill and cannot attend you must ring the school to let us know how long they will be away. If there is a medical appointment we would like evidence of this, a letter or an appointment card.

We strongly discourage taking your children on holiday in term time and we monitor this very closely. We are asked to provide information on holidays and lateness by the School Governing Body and the local authority who are responsible for issuing fixed penalty notices.

If you intend to take your children on holiday during term time, you email me to let me know when your child will not be in school.

Non Attendance will be challenged!

We want the best for your child, and to us that means seeing them in school everyday.

Pupil Welfare & Well being

I am a trained ELSA (Emotional literacy support assistant) and deliver support in the infants department.

If you have concerns about your child's well-being I am a good person to contact.

I can help put families in touch with outside organisations who help provide family support and reassurance in times of stress or worry.

I can organise Parent support, this can be in the form of group or or 1:1 sessions. These sessions can help with a varied range of difficulties ranging from understanding children's play, development and behaviour, to help with ADHD and ASD diagnosis.

I can also help you fill in any forms that will support children and families. These can include, referral forms, forms for funding such as Free School Meals.

Additional Learning Needs

I can help in the referral process for children with ALN.

I help with the review process for children with a Statement of Educations Need.

I co-ordinate the PCP (Person Centered Planning) meetings and support the PCP process by helping parents and professionals prepare for the review..

Child Protection & Safeguarding

I am often present in meetings with outside agencies to provide information about children's attendance and attainment in school.

This presence ensures that this aspect of a child's life is impartially represented.

Children Looked After

If you look after a child that is under the care of the local authority or have a special guardianship order for the child that you care for you may be entitled to additional support and help. The support also extends to families of children who have been adopted as well as those

previously under the care of the local authority. You will have been asked these questions on entry to the school but can get in touch at any point if you want clarification.