
At Cyfarthfa Park Primary, we are currently working hard to become a Nurturing School. Working in partnership with Nurture UK, we believe this approach will benefit all of our pupils. Our pupils have been working hard to think about what Nurture means to them and to think about what each of the Six Principles of Nurture means to them and how they should look in practice in our school. Classes have taken part in well-being sessions where they've had the opportunity to discuss and give their opinions on the Six Principles. Our School Council have then worked hard to take this work and create our own interpretations of the Six Principles (which you can see below). These will underpin all the work we do with Nurture and Health and Well-being at our school and will permeate through our classrooms, corridors, playgrounds and our community to give us a framework for supporting and getting the best out of each and every child within our school.

Please check back to this page in future months - we will be sharing what the Six Principles look like around our school and what they mean to our pupils.

Six Principles of Nurture - CPPS 2021

Six Principles of Nurture at Cyfarthfa Park Primary

Please enjoy the video below of some of our amazing pupils explaining what each of the principles looks like in our school.