Relationships and Sexuality Education

Please find below important details about the new RSE Code. We have a range of  information from Welsh Government as well as overviews of what is being taught as part of our provision for RSE within the Health and Well-being AOLE. 

RSE Information Leaflet for the Parents and Carers at our school:

RSE Parent Leaflet.pdf

A leaflet from Welsh Government for parents and carers, including case studies from different schools:

RSE Leaflet (1).pdf

The following document is statutory for schools to follow and embed within their curriculum:

CfW RSE Code.pdf

An example of an age appropriate lesson for primary aged children:

An overview of the Jigsaw Units being taught in each year group. A lot of the RSE taught will be within these sessions over the course of the year. In addition to this, RSE will be covered accross the curriculum where appropriate. It will always be delivered sensitively and developmentally appropriate.