Our Eco Club goes from strength to strength!

Over the past two years our School Eco Club has thrived and our numbers have grown.

Working within Cynghorau Dsygu has enabled us to have pupil representatives from Year 1 to Year 6 and staff members from both the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2, a real team effort, and we are determined to 

make a difference.

Some of Our Recent Projects

Uniform Exchange at Cyfarthfa Park Primary School

Tree planting in partnership with Woodland Trust and VA Peterson Funeral Services

Staff training to promote the use of the outdoors 

Our Commitment to  litter pick in school and in Cyfarthfa Park

Working with Keep Wales Tidy, together we planted our small food growing garden

What's next?

As our Eco journey continues come with us, Together Towards Tomorrow

Ynghyd Tuag at Yfory 

as we walk into school. 

Starting in the Summer Term 2024!